Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Little Bits of Tech (Part 2) - Evernote

Evernote has become a major part of my teaching and my students learning and this post is probably one that will have follow ups as I learn more and more about this fantastic tool.

The best thing for me about Evernote is that

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Catch Up Time

It has been such a busy few months and I haven't really posted much at all. I am in the process of working on a new series of blog posts titled 'Little Bits of Tech' where I share my knowledge and experiences of using a variety of ICT tools in the classroom. The first post about using Google Drive is up now, so check it out here.

For now I guess I will update what I have been up to.

Little Bits of Tech (part 1) - Google Drive

I have learnt over time that people sometimes struggle to adapt to new technologies that are relevant to their industry. I found this to be true from my time working in finance and I am finding it to be true in education as well. I have always loved new technologies and find that by having a go and playing around with it, I am able to quickly learn new things (sometimes useful and sometimes not so).

I thought then that it would be a good idea to talk about the types of technology I have been using this year (so far) and how I have found it. First of all is Google: